Priceless Movie Review

PricelessPriceless Movie Review

Priceless Movie Synopsis:

Year: 2008
Duration: 1 h 28 min
Genre: Crime, Drama, Romance
Director: André Joseph
Writer: André Joseph
Cast: André Joseph, Tasha Perri, Anthony Mangano, Shelby Reitman Renee

New York-based jewel thief, Lando, leads a fast life: Fast cars, fast women, and a fast-track to no-where in life. When his confidant, Ike, tells him about a Gold Coronation Egg that needs to be lifted from the ruthless Russian mobster, Koskov. Lando is skeptical but accepts. Spotted during his attempted heist, Lando goes back to Staten Island where he grew up to hide and relocate his high school sweetheart, Diana. Despite Diana’s unwillingness to reconnect with him due to the feeling that she’ll disrupt the loving relationship with her daughter, Sandy, Lando struggles to re-kindle the past with his old flame while the Russian mob breathes down his neck. What will become of Lando and Diana, and what will Koskov do to Lando for stealing from him?

Priceless Movie Review is a post from: Moviemand

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